State budgets are being released this week. We need your voice to advocate for affordable housing, support services, preservation dollars, rental assistance, and more!
Dates and Times for Budget Release and Hearings:
Senate Capital Budget:
Hearing & Testimony: Thursday, March 25 @ 4pm.
Senate Operating Budget:
Budget release: Wednesday, 3/24
Hearing & Testimony: Friday, March 26 @ 1pm
House Operating Budget:
Budget release: Wednesday, 3/24
Hearing & Testimony: Saturday, March 27 @ 9am
House Capital Budget:
Hearing & Testimony: Monday, March 29 @ 10am
Here are the key asks for the 2021 budgets:
Capital Budget:
At least $240 million in the Housing Trust Fund: Washington has a massive shortage of affordable housing, with just 31 homes affordable and available for every 100 extremely low income households. The Housing Trust Fund funds the construction of new affordable homes and is our primary tool to end homelessness in Washington, yet each year there is only funding to meet about a third of the applications;
$10 million to preserve USDA housing at risk of expiration: Preservation of affordable multifamily housing at risk of losing affordability due to expiration of use restrictions that otherwise require affordability including, but not limited to, United States Department of Agriculture funded multifamily housing;
$70 million for rapid acquisition for shelter and permanent supportive housing: acquire real property for a quick conversion into homeless or emergency shelters, permanent supportive housing, or transitional housing for low-income people;
$40 million for enhanced shelter capacity grants: Rapidly shelter individuals experiencing chronic homelessness through creating additional homeless shelter capacity across the state, construction of new enhanced homeless shelter facilities, or the conversion of existing homeless shelters to enhanced shelter facilities;
$8 million in the Capital Budget for the Communities of Concern Commission to prioritize investments that help communities of color build assets and investment in community-based capital needs including affordable housing and more;
$200,000 in the Capital Budget for a study on needs and barriers to affordable housing for people with developmental disabilities.
Operating Budget:
Fully fund SB 5160, enacting a right to counsel for tenants facing eviction and expanding the eviction resolution program for 2 years;
$6 million in the Operating Budget for the Digital Navigator Program to help close the digital divide for low-income communities, students, families whose primary language is not English, elders, communities of color, and other neighbors with access needs;
Preserve existing homelessness and safety net funding levels, and prevent any cuts to the Housing and Essential Needs program;
$4.25 million for Arlington Drive Youth Campus in Tacoma, WA for continued support services for the full biennium.